Monday, March 31College Admissions News

Online Colleges

Online Colleges

A Medley of Multimodal Projects

A Medley of Multimodal ProjectsKay Sohini Kumar is a comics maker based in New York and a Ph.D. candidate at Stony Brook University. Follow her at @KaySohini on Twitter, or check out her website. When I started teaching a class on “Global Film Traditions” this Spring, I mentioned to my students that they could do a multimodal project in lieu of a final paper. Halfway through the semester, New York declared a state of emergency, our university shifted to remote instruction, and the classroom as we knew it changed. We were asked to revise our syllabi to adjust to the needs of remote teaching. Some of my students were returning to their home countries, some had moved in with their families, some were still working under trying circumstances, and others were struggling with proper access to th...
Let’s Talk about Title IX
Online Colleges

Let’s Talk about Title IX

Let’s Talk about Title IX What is Title IX? Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in any federally funded education program or activity. In other words, schools that receive federal funds are legally required to protect students against sex discrimination. Experiencing sex discrimination in any form can derail a student’s opportunity to learn, participate, and thrive in and outside of the classroom. Sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, is a threat to equal access to educational environments for students of all ages. Why are we talking about it? President Biden’s 2021 Executive Order on Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Basis of ...
In an Online World, Identifying Hidden Competitors is Critical
Online Colleges

In an Online World, Identifying Hidden Competitors is Critical

In an Online World, Identifying Hidden Competitors is Critical There is a good chance that you are losing potential students right from your own backyard. In the post-COVID world, online education is growing and the competition for student demand is intense.  Students in your markets may be going right out of your own proverbial backyard, and if you aren’t looking at the right data, you may not even know it, let alone correct for it. Accurate insights are critical for making the most efficient program decisions and investing in drawing your students closer to home.     When Evaluating Online Attendance, Traditional Data is Misleading   Traditional data sources such as IPEDS are out of date, and they do not show the true picture of competition in the online space.  There is better data out ...
An Improving Pandemic Outlook for Younger Americans
Online Colleges

An Improving Pandemic Outlook for Younger Americans

An Improving Pandemic Outlook for Younger Americans A series of vaccine developments and the loosening of restrictions amid an improving virus trajectory may foreshadow a welcome return to normalcy for many young Americans, just as summer vacation nears. By early next week, the Food and Drug Administration is expected to issue an emergency use authorization allowing the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine to be used in children 12 to 15 years old, a major step ahead in the United States’ efforts to tackle Covid-19. Pfizer also expects to seek federal clearance in September to administer the vaccine to children age 2 to 11, the company said on Tuesday. Vaccinating children is key to raising the level of immunity in the population, experts say, and to bringing down the numbers of hospitaliz...
Article on Fourth Grader in '60 Inspires Journalism Class
Online Colleges

Article on Fourth Grader in '60 Inspires Journalism Class

Article on Fourth Grader in '60 Inspires Journalism Class Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. Two years ago, on a soggy January day at the University of Oregon, Peter Laufer, a journalism professor, picked up a copy of The New York Times and presented his students with a reporting challenge. He read from a feature at the bottom of Page 2 that highlights an article from The Times’s archives each day. It covered the experience in early 1960 of a fourth grader in Roseburg, Ore., not far from the college. She had written to her congressman for the names of Russian schoolchildren with whom she and her classmates could be pen pals, but the State Department denied the request, fearing they would b...
Online Colleges


6 GREAT REASONS TO ATTEND GRAD SCHOOL ONLINEOver my five-decades of experiences with distance learning, from correspondence to online Internet, I have never seen a better time, or better reasons, to earn a graduate degree online.  Here are my favorite six motivators:1. You’re never going to be this young again.  So, take the opportunity today to start your online graduate degree program, with a lifetime of enjoyment, successes, and increased status and earnings ahead of you. 2. In my opinion, developed as founder and president emeritus of two (2) successful and accredited online universities, one in California and the other in Arizona, I believe with 100% certainty that a good online education tops a good on-campus education.    3. The benefits of a good online education include: active se...
Summer Planning Strategies
Online Colleges

Summer Planning Strategies

Summer Planning StrategiesFor so many graduate students, this summer has already proven itself to be unlike any other they’ve encountered so far; and with ongoing global crisis, graduate students should feel no guilt for prioritizing their personal well-being over their productivity. That being said, summer has always been a time of free fall for graduate students -- assistantships end, funding becomes unstable, precarity increases and the work structures that we rely on to keep us productive throughout the semester suddenly disappear. All the while we are expected to prepare for fall teaching, continue our own research, catch up on tasks that we shuffled off during the academic year and make real progress on a slew of tasks. Whether this summer has been particularly disruptive for you or ...
Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through Collaboration
Online Colleges

Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through Collaboration

Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through CollaborationTeacher Appreciation Week is one of my favorite times of the school year! Honoring the educators who spend countless hours creating lesson plans, building authentic relationships, and welcoming students into the learning space – whether it be in-person, online, or both – has been such a joy. I think back to my time growing up and fondly remember those who influenced me with their encouraging words, supportive nature, and praise of my efforts. My teachers, Ms. Pendergast, Mrs. Dixon, and Mr. Anderson were just three of many educators that left a lasting impression by showing me how much effort matters. I am grateful to them and to have this incredible opportunity to honor the efforts made by our nation’s teachers. ...
The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree Program
Online Colleges

The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree Program

The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree ProgramMy latest obsession is low-cost online degree programs. My fascination with the idea of bending the master’s cost curve is partly professional and partly personal. On a professional level, my work is all about online learning. Most of my online education career has been about quality. Guiding questions for my online work have been: How can we create immersive, intimate, and transformative learning experiences for online students? What does active and student-centered learning look like when translated from physical to the online classroom? How might we apply the integrated team-based model of course design and learner support found in high-quality online programs to residential courses, particularly introductory and foundational cou...
Online Colleges

Students Around the World Stranded. Or were they?

Students Around the World Stranded. Or were they?Starting in 2020 and ongoing today, international students seeking to come to the United States to study found the welcome door shut tight.  In the past years, more than one million international students annually enrolled in American colleges seeking the “camp college” experience.  The 2020/21 COVID pandemic choked off travel and virtually shut down international enrollments.  These undergraduate students, ranging in age from 18 to 22, primarily from the more “well off” segments of their societies, faced U.S. travel restrictions that crushed their plans to study in the US.  From our experience with this international undergrad group they regretted most their lost opportunities of being exposed first-hand to our culture, hospitality, and fr...
Financial Literacy Education and Paying for College
Online Colleges

Financial Literacy Education and Paying for College

Financial Literacy Education and Paying for CollegePresident Biden issued a proclamation deeming April 2021 as National Financial Capability Month. This communication emphasizes the benefits of financial capability, the value of financial literacy, and the importance of access to financial resources. Understanding personal finance topics such as savings, loans, and investments is seldom a straightforward task, especially in the context of paying for college. Subjects, such as borrowing, can be complex for incoming postsecondary students to fully grasp. With the notable year-over-year rising cost of pursuing higher education, some students may be left with a large amount of debt and regrets about how they chose to finance their college education. According to Teach for America, a recent sur...
Online Colleges

Psychology Schools in Arkansas

Psychology Schools in ArkansasThe following guide on psychology schools in Arkansas will give you key information that will allow you to choose the best psychology school and program for your career and academic goals.  Many universities and colleges in Arkansas provide their undergraduate and graduate students the chance to study general psychology or specialize in a specific area (i.e., clinical psychology).  If you’re looking for a more flexible schedule for doing your coursework and earning your psychology degree, you might want to consider online psychology programs.  What to Expect in an Arkansas Psychology Program? Before you can become a licensed psychologist in Arkansas, you must complete your bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Earning a bachelor’s degree will take full-t...
Why a new higher education review is a waste of time
Online Colleges

Why a new higher education review is a waste of time

Why a new higher education review is a waste of timeINDIA In the first 100 days of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s second administration, the government has launched yet another rethink of higher education policies and priorities through the draft National Education Policy (NEP) and the Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion Programme (EQUIP).This is the latest, and seemingly one of the most elaborate, of an endless series of official reports and programmes aimed at improving higher education in the post-independence period.These documents – the first of which was the Radhakrishnan Commission of 1949, continuing with the national education policies of 1968 and 1986, the Yashpal Committee of 2009, the National Knowledge Commission in 2007, and most recently the draft NEP of 20...
Online Colleges

The Invisible Minority in STEM

The Invisible Minority in STEM Graduate school is never easy, but as I neared the end of my first year, my Ph.D. training was about to get much harder. It wasn’t that the classes or research were any different. I had simply come to recognize the truth about myself: I was nonbinary, a gender identity sometimes falling under the transgender umbrella. Excited to finally express my true self, I came out to my colleagues and began to pursue my transition. Here I will share some lessons from my own experience as a transgender STEM Ph.D. student in an effort to show other transgender and gender-nonconforming students that they are not alone, as well as to demonstrate ways in which school administrators, faculty and mentors can be better allies and promote the success of transgender students. One ...
Tips for Choosing Your College or University
Online Colleges

Tips for Choosing Your College or University

Tips for Choosing Your College or UniversityiStockThe wait is finally over. You know your admission results. Congratulations on the acceptances you have earned—you’re on your way to a bright future! Now it’s time to choose, but how? Here are some tips, and of course you can also consult your college or school counselor. 1: Decide about any wait lists and focus on your options. If you are on a wait list for admission, follow any directions to reaffirm interest should you wish to pursue it. Then, set the matter aside and focus on making a choice among the available options. If you decline a wait list offer, you might create an option for someone who would like to have it. You can withdraw your application to any school where you have been waitlisted or admitted and are no longer interested. ...