Monday, March 31College Admissions News

College Planning

Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to Consider
College Planning

Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to Consider

Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to ConsiderTwitterFacebookLinkedinemailiStock You’ve been accepted to college? Perhaps more than one? Congratulations! Now it’s decision time, and determining financial fit is part of the process. Here are eight things to consider as you review your award letters. 1: Expected Family Contribution (EFC) After successfully completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you will be provided a Student Aid Report (SAR). On the SAR is a number called the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)—and you’ll see that number come into play on each of your financial aid award letters. The EFC determines your eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA) and many private scholarship organizations also use it to assist in making award decisions. Your EFC wil...
Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.
College Planning

Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.

Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.CHICAGO — Maisie Robinson was so excited for her first day of kindergarten that she woke up at 2:30 a.m. to make her family breakfast.“Unfortunately, the cereal was kind of soggy by the time we got up,” said her mother, Lindsey Post Robinson.But that hardly dulled Maisie’s enthusiasm. She skipped to school last week in her purple coat, part of a wave of Chicago elementary school students who met their teachers and classmates in person for the first time.A year into the coronavirus pandemic, many American students have been in their classrooms since last fall — frequently off and on, as outbreaks have forced quarantines and closures. But in several large cities, students have started returning to school buildings only in the last...
Should we get rid of standardized testing? – Arlo Kempf
College Planning

Should we get rid of standardized testing? – Arlo Kempf

Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf Download a free audiobook and support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission: Check out Todd Rose's "The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness": View full lesson: Although standardized testing is a particularly hot topic in education right now, this approach to measurement has been in use for two millennia. And while the results of standardized testing can help us understand some things, they can also be misleading if used incorrectly. So what do these tests actually measure? And are they worthwhi...
19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)
College Planning

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out) Applying to college? Start here. Whether you're an incoming Freshman or transferring to a new university, these are the 19 college application tips that every student should keep in mind when writing your supplemental essays, Common App extracurricular activities list, or additional information section. Which of my 19 tips helped you the most? Get my FREE Guide to Writing Your Personal Statement: SUBSCRIBE: Work one-on-one with me and my team on your college application essays: Links Mentioned in this Vid...
College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room
College Planning

College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room

College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room As high school seniors begin to receive their letters of admission to U.S. colleges, Bloomberg was invited to Amherst College for an inside look at how the admissions committee comes to a decision on who to admit and who to defer. ---------- Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: Bloomberg is the First Word in business news, delivering breaking news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more: Connect with us on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips.
College Planning

CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips.

CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips. Are you working on your common application essay? In this video, Brooke shares 8 tips for how to write a great essay. Check out the blog for this video: Trying to get a really good score on the ACT®? Then you NEED The Best ACT® Prep Course Ever! Taking the SAT® course instead? Our SAT® course is out! Start prepping with Brooke today! * Want to see how current college undergrads got into their dream school? Get access to their actual test scores, application material, mentorship and more with Admitsee! Support SupertutorTV by using this...
What to do When You're Deferred | 5 Tips to Get Accepted
College Planning

What to do When You're Deferred | 5 Tips to Get Accepted

What to do When You're Deferred | 5 Tips to Get Accepted Check out my QuestBridge video: Find out How I Got into Stanford: Watch my College Application Story: Hey y'all! Welcome or welcome back to my channel. This video is about how to go from deferred to accepted at your dream school! I talk about tips and my experience of being "deferred." Thanks for watching!! Let me know what other aspects of Stanford you guys would like to see. The essays that got me into Stanford: I Viewed My Admissions File...: Dorm Tour: Move-In Vlog: Check out my Que...
What to do if a you're Deferred by Your DREAM SCHOOL! College Admissions Tips!
College Planning

What to do if a you're Deferred by Your DREAM SCHOOL! College Admissions Tips!

What to do if a you're Deferred by Your DREAM SCHOOL! College Admissions Tips! Have you been deferred by your dream school and are unsure of what to do next? In this video, Brooke shares 5 things you can do after being deferred by your top school of choice. Check out the blog post for this video: Our SAT® course is out! Start prepping with Brooke today! Thinking about taking the ACT® instead? SUBSCRIBE NOW! And give us a thumbs up if you liked this video. Subscribe to our mailing list!! Learn more about SupertutorTV and all our...
A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late
College Planning

A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late Not long ago, your child took baby steps to get over being the kid always being carried around. When you look at them today, you see the young teen they have blossomed into. You see them as the one who’s trying to manage time between school, friends, and home; one who seems interested in attractive careers; and also one who is trying to learn new hacks and talents to be noticed by the world!  Now is the time to stop and do a reality check on your child’s personality development – and an opportune time to get working on their life skills.  These are the skills that will be needed for a strong foundation building for your child – which is a must. Must-Have Skills For A Strong Foundation For Kids “Chil...
5 Activities That Don't Help Your College Application
College Planning

5 Activities That Don't Help Your College Application

5 Activities That Don't Help Your College Application In general, these activities won't help your college application very much. Instead, focus your attention on what will improve your admissions chances! Check out the blog post for this video: The Best ACT® Math Books Ever are LIVE on now! Links below Book 1: Algebra: Book 2: Numbers, Stats, Trig & Geometry: Our SAT® course is out! Start prepping with Brooke today! Studying for the upcoming ACT® exam? Get in-depth video test prep from perfect scoring tutor Brooke Hanson!
Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
College Planning

Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) American students face a ridiculous amount of testing. John Oliver explains how standardized tests impact school funding, the achievement gap, how often kids are expected to throw up. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week ...
National vs Regional Accreditation, Selecting the Right College or University
College Planning

National vs Regional Accreditation, Selecting the Right College or University

National vs Regional Accreditation, Selecting the Right College or University The two types of institutional accrediting bodies are Regional and National. Finding a school that is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education is the first step. ( There are six regional accrediting agencies that oversee different sections of the country. They are: Middle State Association of Colleges New England Association of Schools and Colleges North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Western Associations of Schools and Colleges Unlike their Regional counterparts, National accreditors are not bound to...
New FAFSA Changes – Winners and Losers
College Planning

New FAFSA Changes – Winners and Losers

New FAFSA Changes – Winners and LosersThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid will be undergoing significant changes soon and families, who hope to obtain financial aid, need to prepare for the FAFSA changes. Tucked into federal pandemic relief legislation that Congress passed during the Christmas holidays, was a dramatic overhaul to the FAFSA and financial aid rules. Last week, I talked to Mark Kantrowitz, a nationally prominent financial aid expert, who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the federal financial aid system. I’d urge you to listen to my conversation with Mark, who knows more about the upcoming FAFSA changes than just about anybody in the nation. The changes will kick in for the 2023-2024 school year. This means parents filling out the FAFSA as early as Oct. 1, 2022 will b...
Are 529's Really the Best Way to Save for College?
College Planning

Are 529's Really the Best Way to Save for College?

Are 529's Really the Best Way to Save for College? Are 529's Really the Best Way to Save for College? Say goodbye to debt forever. Start Ramsey+ for free: Visit the Dave Ramsey store today for resources to help you take control of your money!