Saturday, March 15College Admissions News

Author: Editor

What Are the Ivy League Schools’ Acceptance Rates for 2022?
College Planning

What Are the Ivy League Schools’ Acceptance Rates for 2022?

The eight schools in the Ivy League are among the most well-known and selective universities both within the US and in the world at large. Because of this, Ivy League (and similarly selective non-Ivy) schools have tens of thousands of students from whom to choose their class of 2026. But what are Ivy League schools' acceptance rates, and how have those rates changed over time? In this analysis, we'll look at Ivy League admissions, from the number of applicants to the number of students who ultimately end up attending. In addition to the eight Ivy League schools (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, UPenn, and Yale), we'll also consider eight equally selective non-Ivy League national universities: Caltech, Duke, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, Stanford, UChicago, an...
Ascent Student Loan Review – Student Loan Hero
Financial Aid

Ascent Student Loan Review – Student Loan Hero

Ascent Funding was launched in 2015 to address a growing need in the private student loan industry: International students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students and individuals without established credit histories often struggled to find financing for college. Ascent offers both cosigned and noncosigned loans for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as loans for career schools and coding boot camps. Students can also check available rates without impacting their credit scores, and Ascent has multiple loan terms and repayment plans to give students more flexibility. Ascent student loans review Ascent stands out from other lenders because it serves students that are often ineligible for loans from private student loan companies. ...
What Happens If I Miss My AP Exam?
College Planning

What Happens If I Miss My AP Exam?

Sometimes life happens and you end up missing an AP exam. Naturally, since the tests are expensive and you want to take them while the material is still fresh in your mind, you may want to make up the exam. In this article, I'll go over what to do if you know in advance you won't be able to make your AP exam, what to do in an emergency, how AP late testing works, and situations in which you might not be able to make up the test—and what to do about it.   What to Do When You Know You'll Be Missing Your AP Test There are a variety of reasons that you might find that the exam you signed up for a few months ago conflicts with something you can't avoid. As soon as you realize you may have a conflict with the exam, you should get in touch with your school's AP coordinator to discuss AP lat...
PNC Student Loans Review – Student Loan Hero
Financial Aid

PNC Student Loans Review – Student Loan Hero

PNC Bank is the result of a 1983 merger of two prominent Pennsylvania banks (Pittsburgh National Corporation and Provident National Corporation), though its history dates as far back as 1852. It offers private student loans and student loan refinancing, as well as a wide range of checking accounts, mortgages, auto loans and the like. Its refinancing loans are available to borrowers without bachelor’s degrees — a rarity in the student loan refinancing industry — and it has a range of loan options for undergraduate and graduate students. PNC student loan refinance review PNC has a range of refinancing options for undergraduate and graduate students, but it also allows borrowers with associate degrees, and even those who didn’t graduate from college, to re...
Swatch Watches & College Choices
College Planning

Swatch Watches & College Choices

iStock It was the spring of 1985 and all I wanted was a Swatch watch. There wasn’t a specific one that I wanted; I just really wanted a Swatch. I had spent most of ‘84 ogling the bold plastic watches that I would see some of my lucky friend’s wear. In the mall we would walk past the glass display box in the department store on the way to the Naturalizer store for my mom’s beige work pumps. The loud colorful watches were screaming, “Look at me!” I always did. There were so many to choose from, too many. After what felt like years of asking and pleading for a Swatch, my mom finally agreed, but on one condition.  “If you clean up the yard, I’ll take you to pick out a Swatch.”  Well, it was springtime in Texas, so the yard was full of weeds. My job was to pull the weeds. That ...
What To Do After You Submit A College Application
College Planning

What To Do After You Submit A College Application

Hitting the submit button on your college applications typically leads to feelings of great accomplishment and relief. However, before you put your feet up and relax, you need to make sure you’ve taken care of a few key items to solidify the process. It’s crucial to review each college’s website so that you know exactly what else needs to be submitted to complete your “application file”. Here’s an overview of what to do after you submit a college application to ensure you’re on the right track. Step 1 – Send Your Official Transcripts Official transcripts must be sent from your high school to each college you are applying to.  This may be done electronically through a transcript service such as parchment or manually through your school’s counseling office.  Check with your high school co...
The Complete Guide to AP Human Geography FRQs
College Planning

The Complete Guide to AP Human Geography FRQs

The free-response section is the hardest part of any AP test. Although AP Human Geography is much more straightforward than some other humanities AP exams, if you don't have your stuff down, the free-response section can still hit you where it hurts. In this article, we'll go through the structure of the free-response section, some helpful tips for answering AP Human Geography FRQs, examples of what these free-response questions look like, and a few places where you can find the best practice materials.   AP Human Geography Free Response Section Format There are three questions on the free-response section, each worth 7 raw points. You'll get one hour and 15 minutes to answer all three questions, or about 25 minutes per question. Your free-response score accounts for half your AP Hum...
Government Fix to Wipe Away Some Student Loan Debt
Financial Aid

Government Fix to Wipe Away Some Student Loan Debt

If you think your federal student loan servicer didn’t give you the best information, and may have even cost you money — or if you think you were unfairly denied loan forgiveness — then you might be in for some good news. In an April 19 release, the Department of Education stated it is making a series of fixes to the past treatment of federal student loans, particularly where income-driven repayment (IDR) and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) are concerned. Previously, some student loan servicers would advise borrowers who were having trouble repaying their debt to pause their repayment through forbearance (a temporary stop), even though in many cases these borrowers might have been better off with an IDR program. Through IDR, a borrower’s monthly student lo...
Every AP Literature Practice Test Available: Free and Official
College Planning

Every AP Literature Practice Test Available: Free and Official

When you're studying for your AP Literature Exam, you're going to want to use practice tests and questions to hone your skills. But where can you find AP literature practice tests? And are all practice exams equally useful for you?  The real exam has 55 multiple-choice questions and three free-response questions, but there are practice tests with every conceivable number and combination of question types. In this article, you'll learn where to find every official College Board AP English Literature and Composition practice exam, free unofficial tests, and paid practice test resources. You'll also find out which tests are high-quality and how you can best use different practice exams to fulfill your studying needs.   Official Free AP Literature Practice Tests The gold standard of AP E...
What Is the Duke High School Pre-College Program? Should You Do It?
College Planning

What Is the Duke High School Pre-College Program? Should You Do It?

After canceling their summer residential programs in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID pandemic, Duke has officially announced that they’ve permanently canceled the Duke TIP program. Instead, they’ve replaced it with the new Duke high school pre-college program for high school students! With all the changes to the Duke TIP program, there’s a lot to know about how Duke’s Pre-College programs have (and haven’t!) changed. We’ll go over everything you need to know, including:  The differences between the new Duke Pre-College Programs and the Duke TIP Things to consider if you’re thinking about participating in Duke’s Pre-College Programs for high schoolers  The details of the Duke Pre-College Program for 2022, including how to apply  Tips for creating an awesome Pre-College Program application ...
When Do PSAT Scores Come Out? The PSAT Results Release Schedule
College Planning

When Do PSAT Scores Come Out? The PSAT Results Release Schedule

The wait for PSAT results can be nerve-wracking. It's likely your first time taking an SAT-like test, and the PSAT can give you a sense of what range your final SAT score is likely to be. Plus, if you score high enough, there's a lot of potential scholarship money available. So when is the wait over? When are PSAT scores released? In this guide, we explain when you'll get your PSAT results, walk you through the complete PSAT timeline, and offer some suggestions on what to do once you have your scores. (more…)
Howard U Moves to Online Classes
Online Colleges

Howard U Moves to Online Classes

Howard University will hold only online undergraduate classes (except for lab classes) during the final weeks of the semester. Final exams for undergraduate courses will also be online. A letter to the campus from Anthony K. Wutoh, the provost, and Hugh Mighty, dean of the College of Medicine, said the positivity rate on campus increased, from 2 percent to 5 percent, in the last week. It has also increased in the Washington, D.C., area. Source:
Earnest Student Loan Review: Industry-Best Repayment Flexibility
Financial Aid

Earnest Student Loan Review: Industry-Best Repayment Flexibility

Earnest is an online company that has refinanced $16.4 billion in student loans since its founding in 2013. It also makes in-school loans for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as their parents. While it’s been acquired by industry veteran Navient in 2017, Earnest has still maintained its innovative practices. Refinancing borrowers with excellent credit can expect access to as many as 180 repayment term options. Borrowers of private student loans, meanwhile, are promised an extremely flexible repayment, including the ability to skip one payment per year. Earnest student loan refinance review Earnest student loan refinance allows borrowers — including parents — to refinance federal and pri...
Learn Our Top Insider Secrets For Getting Into Your Dream School
College Planning

Learn Our Top Insider Secrets For Getting Into Your Dream School

My last several articles have been all about the lovely families and students that we have the pleasure of working with side by side during their college planning journey. I would strongly suggest checking those out to learn more about what our professionals here at College Planning Experts offer to our clients. You can read those, here, on our blog. This week, I wanted to highlight a different kind of special guest. A little bit ago, I was able to sit down with a local college counselor who has been in practice for nearly 20 years. Her name is Lynda McGee. She has worked as a college counselor in a local magnet school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. If you would like to watch the full 60 minutes with Lynda, you ca...
How Many College Credits Is an AP Class?
College Planning

How Many College Credits Is an AP Class?

Are you taking AP classes in high school and want to know if you'll be able to get college credit for them? It's not always possible to get college credit from AP classes, but many high school students do. How can you be one of them? Read this guide to find out! We'll walk you through the process and answer all the key questions such as, "How many college credits is an AP class worth?" "Are AP classes college credit?" and "How many college credits is AP world history?" Let's get started! Do AP Classes Count as College Credit? If you take one or more AP classes in high school and do well on the exam, can you get college credit? Yes! The possibility of earning college credit is a major benefit of taking AP classes. Advanced Placement is a program run by the College Board (the makers of the...