Friday, March 14College Admissions News

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10 Best Online Architecture Schools 2023
Online Colleges

10 Best Online Architecture Schools 2023

Earning a master’s degree in architecture is rewarding and if you refer to study online, check out the best online architecture schools in this post.Architecture is a discipline that involves creativity and it requires sketching designs for buildings using your hands or computer software.Architecture is a hands-on discipline, so you will hardly find an undergraduate program offered online. It’s easy to find an online graduate program at schools.However, it’s important you conduct proper research to ensure you find a degree program that is accredited.In a moment, we will list the best online architecture schools, so stay with us till the end of this post.What to Look Out for When Choosing an Architecture ProgramAs a student, it’s important you apply to a degree program with valid accredit...
Can You Use ChatGPT for Your College Essay?
College Planning

Can You Use ChatGPT for Your College Essay?

ChatGPT has become a popular topic of conversation since its official launch in November 2022. The artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot can be used for all sorts of things, like having conversations, answering questions, and even crafting complete pieces of writing. If you’re applying for college, you might be wondering about ChatGPT college admissions’ potential.  Should you use a ChatGPT college essay in your application?  By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll know much more about ChatGPT, including how students can use it responsibly and if it’s a good idea to use ChatGPT on college essays. We’ll answer all your questions, like: What is ChatGPT and why are schools talking about it? What are the good and bad aspects of ChatGPT? Should you use ChatGPT for college essays an...
Online Master’s in Medical Sciences Programs
Online Colleges

Online Master’s in Medical Sciences Programs

Online Master’s in Medical Sciences Programs A master’s degree in medical science can provide opportunities for medical practitioners to take on new roles with greater leadership responsibilities and higher earning potential. The 21 programs we are going to look at share some characteristics: Most of them run anywhere between one and two years in length. Many of them have both on-campus and online courses. These details are helpful to students who desire to either take part-time or full-time programs at schools that may not be nearby. In addition, most courses require a G.P.A. of 3.0 and above. Most programs require more than 30 completed credits. However, the programs differ in significant ways. For example, some offer stipends to students, while others ar...
The Ultimate Guide to the New Digital SAT Format
College Planning

The Ultimate Guide to the New Digital SAT Format

When the College Board rolls out its new digital SAT format in spring 2023 for international students and in March 2024 for U.S. students, it will be one of the most significant changes the company has made to the standardized test in its 97-year history. This major transition is intended to make the exam more equitable and to reduce test-taking anxiety by aligning the format with how students are already learning online.   But what precisely will be changing? There’s much to know beyond the move from analog to digital. In this article, we’ll provide a sneak preview of the new SAT format so you can prepare effectively.   Key Differences in the New Digital SAT Format Many aspects of the new digital SAT will not be changing from those of the pencil-and-paper version. For example, the test ...
The 15 Best Merit Scholarships for College-Bound Students
College Planning

The 15 Best Merit Scholarships for College-Bound Students

We know that the cost of a college education can seem out of reach for many students. Luckily, there are a number of ways you can reduce the price of your degree, from grants and work-study to student loans. Even better, if you’re an exemplary student, you’ll likely qualify for one or more merit-based scholarships, which are a great way to offset tuition, fees, room, and board. In this post, we’ll discuss what merit scholarships are and provide a list of the top merit aid programs. We’ll also share our expert recommendations on how to apply so you can maximize your chances of graduating with minimal to no debt. Let’s get started! What Is a Merit-Based Scholarship? A merit-based scholarship, alternatively called a merit scholarship, is free money that discounts the cost of college. Wherea...
Why “Safety, Target, Reach” Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore
College Planning

Why “Safety, Target, Reach” Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore

What is Safety, Target, Reach Anyway? Google “build a college list.” Watch a college search webinar. Read a book about how to apply to college. Guaranteed, they’ll all tell you some version of the same thing: the list of colleges you apply to should include schools that fit into each of three categories: Safety – where you have a 75% or higher chance of getting accepted Target – where you have about a 50/50 shot at getting accepted Reach – where you have a 25% or lower chance of getting accepted Back in the day, the logic behind applying to safety, target, and reach colleges went something like this: Since application deadlines were strict and there seemed to be more college applicants than there were spots, students should strategize when choosing the colleges to apply to so that they ...
What Is Affirmative Action in College Admissions?
College Planning

What Is Affirmative Action in College Admissions?

Affirmative action is one of the most hotly debated topics in college admissions today. With the recent filing of two lawsuits against elite colleges in the US, people are reconsidering how affirmative action affects college admissions—and whether colleges should change their affirmative action policies.  If you’re applying to college and wondering how the affirmative action debate will affect admissions, keep reading! In this article, we’ll answer the question, “What is affirmative action in college admissions?” and go over real examples of affirmative action in education today.  We’ll also explain how to plan ahead for changes to affirmative action in higher education, and how to put together stellar college applications no matter what happens.   So let’s get started.  (more…)...
29 Great Colleges for B Students and How to Get In
College Planning

29 Great Colleges for B Students and How to Get In

Generally, the better your grades, the more college options you'll have. However, some students a re under the false impression that you need straight As in order to get into a wonderful college. Students stress and worry that a few Bs will sentence them to an inferior university. Fortunately, getting Bs won't prevent you from being able to go to a good school. There are a number of excellent colleges that admit B students. We'll provide a list of 29 of the best colleges for B students and explain how to find a good college if you're a B student.   Are You a B Student? You Can Still Go to a Great College If you're at the end of your junior year or the beginning of your senior year and you have mostly Bs on your transcript, don't freak out: you can still gain admission to an excellent...
How to Hold Institutions Accountable for Student Success
College Planning

How to Hold Institutions Accountable for Student Success

Who doesn’t love a top 10 or a top 100 or a top 200 list? That true whether we’re speaking of college rankings or college football and basketball ratings, or, yes, rankings of scholars. Each year, EdWeek, the Inside Higher Ed or Chronicle of K-12 education, publishes a list of the 200 university-based scholars who it claims did the most last year to shape educational practice and policy. Many of the names come as no surprise. Within the top 10 are such big names as Angela Duckworth of grit fame; Carol Dweck, who coined the terms “fixed” and “growth” mind-sets; Howard Gardner, who challenged the notion of a single type of intelligence; Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the California State Board of Education; and Daniel Willingham, whose many books and articles examine the application of ...
Do You Need ACT Scores to Transfer Colleges? A Guide
College Search

Do You Need ACT Scores to Transfer Colleges? A Guide

One of the most complicated parts of transferring colleges is determining what the requirements are, especially when it comes to standardized tests. Unfortunately, there's no simple answer to the question of whether you need to take the ACT as a transfer student, but this guide will walk you through how different school policies vary and explain how much SAT and ACT scores count when applying as a transfer.   Do You Need ACT Scores to Apply to College as a Transfer Student? The short answer is that it varies. What's required of transfer applicants differs depending on the school you're interested in and how many credits you've completed so far. Generally speaking, the smaller and more selective the school and the fewer credits you've completed, the more likely it is that you'll need to s...
All the College Ranking Lists You Should Read
College Search

All the College Ranking Lists You Should Read

People love ranking lists. There are tons of TV shows and articles ranking something, from the prettiest celebrities to the best songs of the 1980s. The fascination with college ranking lists has been around for over 30 years, ever since the U.S. News & World Report debuted its list in 1983. There are quite a few college ranking lists out there, but which ones are the best ones? Which ones should you look at? Honestly, all overall college ranking lists are flawed, and you should spend more time researching and visiting colleges than obsessing over college rankings to determine which college you should attend. However, in this article I will detail the pros and cons of different college ranking lists and of college ranking lists in general. You can obtain some worthwhile information ...
The Forces That Are Shaping the Future of Higher Education
Online Colleges

The Forces That Are Shaping the Future of Higher Education

The past’s meaning only becomes clear in hindsight. Who would have guessed during the 1970s, a decade when it seemed like nothing happened, that a series of developments were underway that would transform the future: the politicization of evangelical religion, accelerating deindustrialization, the deregulation and financialization of the American economy, a profound shift in the nation’s demographics. Even as we fixate on headline news, the true drivers of transformation occur out of sight. It’s these long-term developments, processes and trends, which take place under the surface, that even the most powerful politicians or institutions must respond to. This is the case in politics, but it’s also true in higher education. Shifts in demography, the economy and cultural values have far gre...
Online Teaching Degree Programs in Nebraska
Online Colleges

Online Teaching Degree Programs in Nebraska

Teaching is an exciting and deeply rewarding profession, and enrolling in a high-quality academic program is a vital first step toward becoming an effective educator. Future teachers who want to attend a school in the Midwest can choose from a number of reputable teacher-education programs in Nebraska, ranging from small public colleges to large universities. Accredited online education programs are flexible without sacrificing academic rigor. Completing a teaching degree online allows you to structure your schedule around your other obligations and complete your work from the comfort of your own home. At the same time, a well-structured online program also gives you ample access to resources and qualified faculty who can help you succeed. As you research potential programs,...
What Colleges Are Need Aware? How Does It Affect Admissions?
College Planning

What Colleges Are Need Aware? How Does It Affect Admissions?

What is a need-aware college? Does a college being need aware mean they won't accept students who need financial aid? What colleges are need aware?  There are a lot of misconceptions about need-aware colleges and how they handle applicants who need financial aid. Having the wrong information can lead students to skip applying to schools that could still very well accept them and offer generous aid packages. Read this guide to be fully informed on need-aware colleges.   What Is a Need Aware College? Need aware colleges are those that take students' ability to pay college tuition into consideration. This means that, hypothetically, if a school is trying to decide between two students, they may choose the one who requires less or no financial aid because that's cheaper for them. Rising ...
Game Plan for Deferred and Denied Students
College Planning

Game Plan for Deferred and Denied Students

December 14, 2022 Ivy Coach helps reposition the narratives of students after Early Decision / Early Action deferrals or denials (photo credit: Chensiyuan). Did your child receive a deferral or, worse, a denial from their dream Ivy League or other highly selective university in the Early Action / Early Decision round of admissions? If so, grieve the decision for a few minutes — and then get over it because you don’t have time to go through all five stages of grief right now. Regular Decision applications are due in just a couple of weeks. The time is now for your child to take corrective actions to avoid making the same mistakes in the Regular Decision round. So what’s the game plan? Ivy Coach’s PostMor...