Monday, March 17College Admissions News

Author: Editor

Many Schools Suffering From Threat-Rigidity Response To COVID
Financial Aid

Many Schools Suffering From Threat-Rigidity Response To COVID

Many Schools Suffering From Threat-Rigidity Response To COVIDIn the wake of COVID-19 shattering the traditional routines and plans of so many schools nationwide, I have lamented that schools haven’t done nearly enough to create more compelling learning experiences for each student. Many schools have instead focused on logistics and operations—which are important given health concerns, but also insufficient. In too many cases, schools have sought to replicate the traditional classroom in a new format—a striking 42% of teachers, for example, reported in a nationwide survey by the Clayton Christensen Institute that they replicate their typical day in a remote format. Or they have offered a subpar learning experience in which students don’t receive the supports they need, as this article by ...
Two 30 Year Veterans Discuss The Education Technology Market
Financial Aid

Two 30 Year Veterans Discuss The Education Technology Market

Two 30 Year Veterans Discuss The Education Technology MarketEducation technology is not new. We may think it is because the technology part confuses our senses of fluidity and speed. That’s why in edtech, as with most things, perspective and context are priceless as they help illuminate where we are and maybe remove some of the shadows around where the market and thinking are likely to go. Pam Nelson and Al Kingsley have been in and around edtech for more than thirty years. Not collectively, each. In edtech, that’s basically forever. They’ve been investors, advisors, administrators, entrepreneurs in for-profits and non-profits, and in and out of C-suites. Kingsley, the current CEO of NetSupport is in the U.K., and a member of Forbes Technology Council. Nelson, in the U.S., now runs her o...
Searching for scholarships
College Search

Searching for scholarships

Searching for scholarships Hear from guidance counselors about how to prioritize scholarships. Then, go to for Khan Academy's complete college admissions and financial aid resource!
Cornel West Is Leaving Harvard For Union Theological Seminary
Financial Aid

Cornel West Is Leaving Harvard For Union Theological Seminary

Cornel West Is Leaving Harvard For Union Theological SeminaryCornel West, a public intellectual, prolific writer and non-tenured professor in Harvard’s divinity school, is joining the faculty at Union Theological Seminary in New York. He made the announcement today in an interview with The Boycott Times, which bills itself as “an independent non-profit publication of global dissent.” West, 67, earned a bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Harvard in three years, graduating in 1974. He has a master’s and a Ph.D. from Princeton where he was on the faculty from 1988 to 1994. He taught at Union Theological Seminary early in his career and at Yale where he had a joint appointment in the divinity school and the American studies department. His departure will conclude his second stint on Har...
How to find colleges/ courses / without agent / canada government #website/ #international #students
College Search

How to find colleges/ courses / without agent / canada government #website/ #international #students

How to find colleges/ courses / without agent / canada government #website/ #international #students Hey there, in this video I talked about how to find colleges, courses in Canada talking about PGWP, DLI list COVID DLI list, and many more. Links to websites to search for colleges and universities in Canada. Ontario province: Manitoba: British Columbia: Quebec: Alberta: Nova Scotia: LIST OF COLLEGES WITH APPROVED COVID READINESS PLAN
Maryland Promise Scholarship
Financial Aid

Maryland Promise Scholarship

Maryland Promise Scholarship Montgomery College president Dr. DeRionne Pollard addresses the details of the Maryland Promise Scholarship, a last-dollar student financial aid program.
Enhanced Loan Counseling Now Available to Student Borrowers
Financial Aid

Enhanced Loan Counseling Now Available to Student Borrowers

Enhanced Loan Counseling Now Available to Student BorrowersTwitterFacebookLinkedinemailiStock New features unveiled this week on are designed to help students better understand the process of borrowing for college and choose a repayment plan that’s right for them. Both the website and myStudentAid mobile app are now equipped with enhanced entrance and exit counseling modules. The new, streamlined entrance counseling module uses personalized information to help borrowers estimate the cost of their education, determine how much they can expect to borrow, and prepare for repayment after school. The enhanced exit counseling includes an assessment to help borrowers choose the best repayment strategy based on key factors, such as their marital status, tax filings, and employment s...
Applying for a Master's Degree // Advice, Rejection, Personal Statements
Graduate Admissions

Applying for a Master's Degree // Advice, Rejection, Personal Statements

Applying for a Master's Degree // Advice, Rejection, Personal Statements hey all ?in today's vid we chat through the process of applying to a Master's degree in the UK (in other words, applying to grad school), all the stuff you need and my own experiences. I initially wanted to apply to UCL, Imperial and Cambridge for a Msc/MPhil in Management, but upon my Cambridge rejection (that was fun) did a total 180 and instead applied to Film School. Doing a master's degree is highly subject to your personal career goals, there is right or wrong answer. Luckily I can at least help you prep for the process, the personal statements, applications, interviews and just getting started. GOOD LUCK! The Blog Post: ...
The HIGHEST PAYING Associate Degrees (High Income, Less School)
Online Colleges

The HIGHEST PAYING Associate Degrees (High Income, Less School)

The HIGHEST PAYING Associate Degrees (High Income, Less School) Ever wonder what associate degrees pay the most? Well, you're in luck, Today I'm talking about the top 10 associate degrees that pay well. I usually talk about the highest paying majors at the bachelors level, but a 4 year college degree isn't right for everyone. In fact, some of the best associate degrees PAY MORE than bachelors degrees - If you learned something new from this video be sure to hit that like button!! ► More on Instagram! ► Fastest Growing jobs for the future (Jobs that pay over $100K): ► Top 10 Engineering Degrees: Now, there are a lot of benefits to getting one of the top associate degree...
University of Pittsburgh | Two Minute Tour | Niche
College Rankings

University of Pittsburgh | Two Minute Tour | Niche

University of Pittsburgh | Two Minute Tour | Niche See if Pitt is right for you! Pitt ranks as our #25 Top Public University in America for 2020. Explore more student reviews, statistics, and college rankings on Niche -
19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)
College Planning

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out) Applying to college? Start here. Whether you're an incoming Freshman or transferring to a new university, these are the 19 college application tips that every student should keep in mind when writing your supplemental essays, Common App extracurricular activities list, or additional information section. Which of my 19 tips helped you the most? Get my FREE Guide to Writing Your Personal Statement: SUBSCRIBE: Work one-on-one with me and my team on your college application essays: Links Mentioned in this Vid...
Opinions On Homeschooling Have Changed During The Pandemic
Financial Aid

Opinions On Homeschooling Have Changed During The Pandemic

Opinions On Homeschooling Have Changed During The PandemicIt was one year ago when school buildings began to shutter and students retreated to their homes to try and stop the spread of the coronavirus. While not technically homeschooling (they were still enrolled in their school and working on curriculum prescribed by teachers, not their parents), many families got a hint of what homeschooling might feel like, and how the dynamics of their family might change were they to educate their children at home. If you only looked at social media, you would think it a complete disaster. Numerous posts on Twitter and Facebook decrying how unprepared and overwhelmed parents were went viral, as did calls to pay teachers multi-million-dollar salaries after parents had to try teaching their kids on the...
Tips for building a college list: how to research colleges
College Search

Tips for building a college list: how to research colleges

Tips for building a college list: how to research colleges Hi my friends, today I want to share some tips for building a college list. This video will cover how to research colleges, main college search tools I used, important factors to consider in your college search, and how to narrow down your college list. xx, Tan Yi… (my first name) ps: subscribe so you don’t miss out on my next video! How many schools should I apply to? How to choose which colleges to apply to What if I can’t visit every school on my list? What are fly in programs and why should I do them? TIME STAMPS: How to research colleges 0:56 Important factors to consider 9:55 Campus visits & fly-in programs 18:13 How to narrow down college list 21:06 link to download College Hunch: https://www.coll...
Federal Student Loans: What Happens If You Don't Pay? [POLICYbrief]
Financial Aid

Federal Student Loans: What Happens If You Don't Pay? [POLICYbrief]

Federal Student Loans: What Happens If You Don't Pay? [POLICYbrief] Since 1958, the United States federal government has offered loans to help college students pay for their education. Over the past decade, however, the default rate on these loans has risen sharply, with over 25% of former students failing to repay their loans. What happens when federal student loans aren’t repaid? Student loan lawyer Adam Minsky and Jason Delisle of the American Enterprise Institute explore the troubling landscape of federal student loan repayment. As always, the Federalist Society takes no particular legal or public policy positions. All opinions expressed are those of the speakers. Learn more about Jason Delisle: Learn more ab...
PhD Application Tips! | Advice for Applying to PhD Programs
Graduate Admissions

PhD Application Tips! | Advice for Applying to PhD Programs

PhD Application Tips! | Advice for Applying to PhD Programs I've been running PhD admissions for our department for years, and these are some of my best PhD application tips! Covers organization, reaching out to prospective advisors, personal statements/letters of purpose, tips for letters of recommendation, and how much GRE scores matter. This advice is most relevant for STEM and maybe especially Computer Science PhD programs, but a lot of it is definitely broadly applicable. The first video in this series was about whether you should get a PhD at all: The next video in this series is about how to choose PhD programs to apply to. #gradschool #phd + RELEVANT LINKS + Template for reaching out to potential advisors: https://twitter.c...