Wednesday, March 19College Admissions News

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How Covid-19 Has Made Online Education The New Normal
College Rankings

How Covid-19 Has Made Online Education The New Normal

How Covid-19 Has Made Online Education The New NormalHistory has shown that with crisis, there comes a hidden opportunity. Covid-19 is not an exception. And its education where we have been witnessing some sweeping changes that will definitely define this decade. 2020 & 2021 – these two years will be remembered as milestones in the field of education, skills, and jobs. Millions of students have embraced online learning and organizations are moving to digital workforce.  Education’s age-old three Rs – Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic – are being joined by a fourth: Rethink. It’s time to reimagine and redefine education.  We’re living in a world of digital technology and the evolution of online education during this crisis has made it the new norm. Students are now encouraged to learn ne...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...
5 Productivity Practices That Helped Me Finish My Dissertation
Graduate Admissions

5 Productivity Practices That Helped Me Finish My Dissertation

5 Productivity Practices That Helped Me Finish My DissertationThe last two years of my doctorate, I had a side hobby of researching and experimenting with productivity tools and teaching others to apply them to their own lives via my blog The Tending Year. I started The Tending Year to manifest personal accountability to accomplish big goals; as a result I learned how to focus my labor so I could accomplish my to-do list in less time and with more intention. I have chronic health issues that affect my energy and ability to focus, and I live with chronic pain that requires me to take breaks from sitting, so I was particularly interested in learning how to write my dissertation in short, focused work sessions. Plus, I genuinely loved my dissertation topic, and I wanted to make the process as...
Why Students Are Logging In to Class From 7,000 Miles Away
Financial Aid

Why Students Are Logging In to Class From 7,000 Miles Away

Why Students Are Logging In to Class From 7,000 Miles Away Faiqa Naqvi, a 15-year-old freshman at a New Jersey public high school, logs in to her all-remote classes each night from Pakistan in a time zone nine hours ahead. Max Rodriguez, who also attends school in New Jersey, joined his Advanced Placement history class for about two months from Guayaquil, Ecuador, a port city on the coast of South America. Max’s schoolmate, Naobe Maradiaga, 16, participated in classes from northern Honduras. In the midst of the pandemic, in a year when almost nothing about school has been normal, administrators and teachers are grappling with a fresh layer of complexity: students accessing virtual classes from outside the United States. Faced with pandemic-related financial strain at home or the health ne...
Reframing the ‘Lost’ College Visit
College Rankings

Reframing the ‘Lost’ College Visit

Reframing the ‘Lost’ College VisitiStockEditor’s note: A version of this column was first published by the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools. As we find ourselves in pandemic spring 2.0, college visiting is not possible for the majority of juniors just beginning their college journeys and seniors finalizing enrollment plans. When my mother was alive she would say, “If you can’t fix it, feature it.”  Her sound advice reminds me to invert the problem of canceled college tours. Instead of wringing hands over the lost college road trip, we can emphasize the opportunity facing institutions and students. Covid is inviting us to reinvent college discovery and student engagement. The majority of college-goers don’t have the resources for multi-day visiting trips. Indeed, col...
The importance of developing cultural intelligence
College Planning

The importance of developing cultural intelligence

The importance of developing cultural intelligenceUNITED KINGDOM-UNITED STATES As two of the top host countries in the world, the United States and United Kingdom have long benefited from attracting large numbers of international students. Internationalisation dialogue and policy have primarily focused on income and reputational growth. Currently, both countries have a political climate that is challenging for those engaged in recruitment.We would argue that although income is, of course, important, of equal importance is the opportunity for our home students to learn in an international learning environment and for all students enrolled at our universities to foster the capability to be effective contributors in our diverse societies and globalised workplaces. This is what should be dr...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...

Some universities’ response to budget woes: Making faculty teach more courses

Some universities’ response to budget woes: Making faculty teach more coursesAn English professor at Southern Connecticut State University, Cynthia Stretch is used to meeting after hours with her students, many of whom work full time while in college. It was at 8 one evening that a woman Stretch advises admitted she was having trouble catching up with three unfinished courses from a previous semester while taking a full load of additional classes and struggling to earn enough to pay tuition. “I had to make a decision about whether I was going to spend the rest of that night grading papers for my composition class the next morning or writing a letter to the special fund the university has” so the student could avoid having to take a second job. Stretch put off grading, sat down at her kitc...
Tech Apprenticeships Shift the Costs of Higher Ed From Students to Employers
Graduate Admissions

Tech Apprenticeships Shift the Costs of Higher Ed From Students to Employers

Tech Apprenticeships Shift the Costs of Higher Ed From Students to Employers For decades, companies have offered more or less the same deal to Americans in search of office jobs: You pay for your own higher education and skills training, and then we’ll consider employing you. But with corporations unable to hire and hold on to enough workers to fill jobs in IT, cyber security and software development, a shift may be underway. More companies are assuming the costs and risks of preparing people for entry-level technology roles by offering apprenticeships. The model combines paid on-the-job training with classroom instruction. Although such apprenticeships have long been available in Europe for a variety of professions, in the U.S. they have mostly been reserved for the skilled trades. “Appre...
A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE system
College Planning

A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE system

A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE systemUZBEKISTAN The higher education landscape in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, has been changing rapidly over the past three years. Since the passing of Uzbekistan’s first president, Islam Karimov, in 2016, who had been in power since 1991, the country has seen an about-face under the leadership of his successor, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.Under Mirziyoyev, a swathe of policies aim to transform higher education into what one government minister has called ‘Universities 3.0’.These policies will give universities more autonomy to choose their own leaders and to manage their own affairs through their governing bodies, will give universities greater control over student numbers and course offerings and will liberalise price controls on tuition fees an...
Looking beyond highly rejective colleges to get better deals
Financial Aid

Looking beyond highly rejective colleges to get better deals

Looking beyond highly rejective colleges to get better dealsAs usual, the highly rejective colleges** have attracted the most media attention during this latest admission season. The Ivies, Stanford, MIT, Duke, Northwestern, USC and other highly rejective colleges outdid themselves this year by crushing the college dreams of an historic number of applicants. What gets lost in this slavish attention to the nation’s highly rejective schools is the inside scoop on what’s happening with other colleges and universities and how some families can take advantage of this situation now. 2021 college admissions reality The admission offices at many schools that are still quite popular with ambitious teenagers, but aren’t perched near the top U.S. News & World Report’s rankings, are stressing out ...
Finding colleges offering big scholarships
College Rankings

Finding colleges offering big scholarships

Finding colleges offering big scholarshipsIt’s late in the college admission season, but schools are still giving out college scholarships to those who know where to look. The pandemic caused many colleges to provide better scholarships than they would have liked. And actually, some schools, long before the pandemic hit, were giving out large merit scholarships. I wrote about one aspect of this phenomenon earlier this month: One senior’s scholarships and wait list results so far… Today I am sharing award letter results that a teenager in Los Angeles received this year from Midwestern liberal arts colleges along with the colleges that waitlisted her. Emily applied to 14 private colleges and was rejected outright from just two of them – Colorado College and Haverford College. Eight schools ...
State legislatures continue efforts to restrict academic freedom
Graduate Admissions

State legislatures continue efforts to restrict academic freedom

State legislatures continue efforts to restrict academic freedomSince state legislatures convened nationwide this winter, FIRE has noticed a distinct trend: Many states have introduced and considered legislation to limit or prohibit the teaching or training of certain viewpoints on campus, generally patterned on former President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping,” which President Joe Biden rescinded on his first day in office. The bills introduced in recent months in states across the country generally aim to ban the training or teaching of so-called “divisive concepts” at public colleges and universities, along with a variety of other provisions. For example, a bill in Rhode Island defines “divisive concepts” as: One race or sex is inherently superior...
Online Colleges

Psychology Schools in Arkansas

Psychology Schools in ArkansasThe following guide on psychology schools in Arkansas will give you key information that will allow you to choose the best psychology school and program for your career and academic goals.  Many universities and colleges in Arkansas provide their undergraduate and graduate students the chance to study general psychology or specialize in a specific area (i.e., clinical psychology).  If you’re looking for a more flexible schedule for doing your coursework and earning your psychology degree, you might want to consider online psychology programs.  What to Expect in an Arkansas Psychology Program? Before you can become a licensed psychologist in Arkansas, you must complete your bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Earning a bachelor’s degree will take full-t...
The College Transition: Tips for Students with Disabilities
College Rankings

The College Transition: Tips for Students with Disabilities

The College Transition: Tips for Students with Disabilities iStockPreparation is key for all college-bound students, but thinking through what you’ll need to be successful is especially important for students with disabilities. Here are some ideas and insights to help you settle into college. Did you have an IEP (Individualized Education Program) or 504 Plan in high school? Plan to apply for accommodations in college. Recognize that increased academic demands will require more academic support. Services received in high school will not automatically follow students to college and not all accommodations granted in high school are considered reasonable in college. However, colleges do grant accommodations to students under Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The proces...