Wednesday, March 19College Admissions News

Author: Editor

Weeks Become Months: Teaching During a Pandemic
College Rankings

Weeks Become Months: Teaching During a Pandemic

Weeks Become Months: Teaching During a PandemicIn March of 2020, I said, “See you on Monday” to my students on what I believed to be an ordinary Friday, albeit a Friday the 13th. That would be the last day I would see them for months. There was a period of uncertainty as everyone grappled with our new reality. The unadulterated meaning of pandemic, hit fast and hard.  After weeks of educational triage, sending emails and hoping that students would tune into our online classrooms, the 2019-2020 school year ended with only a brief respite before the next school year began. March to May was rough, but how could we learn from what didn’t work during “quarantine teaching?”  How do we uphold educational integrity while still acknowledging that we are in the midst of a global pandemic and a frag...
Make Up For The Cancelled 10th Boards- The Profile Building Program
College Planning

Make Up For The Cancelled 10th Boards- The Profile Building Program

Make Up For The Cancelled 10th Boards- The Profile Building Program1.4 Million. That’s the number of students who had registered for the CBSE 10th boards this year.  Now, with the 10th board exams already canceled, these students will be assessed based on their internals and practical marks. And just in case a student is dissatisfied with the scores from the above assessments, he or she has the option to apply for the 10th board exams later. Situation Now The most popular question that’s been doing the rounds since the news broke: Will the above assessment metrics hold enough individual credibility for the students in the future? Because let’s be honest, the grades of a student in a competitive exam are the very first metric that is put into evaluation in any selection process. Be it only ...
New FAFSA Changes – Winners and Losers
College Rankings

New FAFSA Changes – Winners and Losers

New FAFSA Changes – Winners and LosersThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid will be undergoing significant changes soon and families, who hope to obtain financial aid, need to prepare for the FAFSA changes. Tucked into federal pandemic relief legislation that Congress passed during the Christmas holidays, was a dramatic overhaul to the FAFSA and financial aid rules. Last week, I talked to Mark Kantrowitz, a nationally prominent financial aid expert, who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the federal financial aid system. I’d urge you to listen to my conversation with Mark, who knows more about the upcoming FAFSA changes than just about anybody in the nation. The changes will kick in for the 2023-2024 school year. This means parents filling out the FAFSA as early as Oct. 1, 2022 will b...
Online Colleges


6 GREAT REASONS TO ATTEND GRAD SCHOOL ONLINEOver my five-decades of experiences with distance learning, from correspondence to online Internet, I have never seen a better time, or better reasons, to earn a graduate degree online.  Here are my favorite six motivators:1. You’re never going to be this young again.  So, take the opportunity today to start your online graduate degree program, with a lifetime of enjoyment, successes, and increased status and earnings ahead of you. 2. In my opinion, developed as founder and president emeritus of two (2) successful and accredited online universities, one in California and the other in Arizona, I believe with 100% certainty that a good online education tops a good on-campus education.    3. The benefits of a good online education include: active se...
Taking the ACT and SAT Going Forward – Or Not
College Rankings

Taking the ACT and SAT Going Forward – Or Not

Taking the ACT and SAT Going Forward – Or NotIf your child is a high school junior, it could be trickier this year to decide whether to take the SAT or ACT in 2021 (assuming greater availability) and also whether to submit scores. To help with this decision, I am running an informative post written by Bruce Reed, a cofounder of Compass Education Group, which regularly creates high quality advice about standardized testing. In addition to Reed’s post below, I’d urge you to download a copy of an invaluable guide that Compass has been producing for years and regularly updates. The Compass Guide to College Admission Testing, which is 69 pages, covers such topics as the current testing landscape, test-optional developments, PSAT and PreACT, Score Choice and superscoring and much more. Taking th...
Summer Planning Strategies
Online Colleges

Summer Planning Strategies

Summer Planning StrategiesFor so many graduate students, this summer has already proven itself to be unlike any other they’ve encountered so far; and with ongoing global crisis, graduate students should feel no guilt for prioritizing their personal well-being over their productivity. That being said, summer has always been a time of free fall for graduate students -- assistantships end, funding becomes unstable, precarity increases and the work structures that we rely on to keep us productive throughout the semester suddenly disappear. All the while we are expected to prepare for fall teaching, continue our own research, catch up on tasks that we shuffled off during the academic year and make real progress on a slew of tasks. Whether this summer has been particularly disruptive for you or ...
College Planning

We Are Not in the Same Boat

We Are Not in the Same Boat “We are all in the same boat …” This phrase has been uttered a million times since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frankly it quickly became cliché coming from everywhere -- from friends on social media, from the leadership within my institution, from local businesses in their endless radio/TV/internet advertisements, even from government officials. Sometime in late April, a new sentiment emerged and was immediately picked up across social media platforms … “I heard that we are in the same boat. But it's not that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat. Your ship can be shipwrecked and mine might not be. Or vice versa …” This new sentiment is usually attributed to an unknown author, but it may have originated with this tweet by Damian Barr. Fu...
Think Canada – Think Carleton University [Learning And Student Life Experience Redefined]
Graduate Admissions

Think Canada – Think Carleton University [Learning And Student Life Experience Redefined]

Think Canada – Think Carleton University [Learning And Student Life Experience Redefined]A world-renowned name in research and teaching; this globally ranked university is also one of the largest in Canada. Carleton, which is synonymous with creative learning and contemporary teaching approaches, boasts of offering one of the best student experiences across international universities. Founded in 1942, this world-renowned public university is today a global education hub, with one of the most vibrant and multicultural student communities. Carleton is recognised as a name committed to training for a future-ready workforce, cutting-edge research, preservation of biodiversity, and sustainability in every venture. Canada’s Capital University Also known as Canada’s Capital University, it offers...
Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through Collaboration
Online Colleges

Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through Collaboration

Honoring Teachers’ Commitment to Continual Improvement through CollaborationTeacher Appreciation Week is one of my favorite times of the school year! Honoring the educators who spend countless hours creating lesson plans, building authentic relationships, and welcoming students into the learning space – whether it be in-person, online, or both – has been such a joy. I think back to my time growing up and fondly remember those who influenced me with their encouraging words, supportive nature, and praise of my efforts. My teachers, Ms. Pendergast, Mrs. Dixon, and Mr. Anderson were just three of many educators that left a lasting impression by showing me how much effort matters. I am grateful to them and to have this incredible opportunity to honor the efforts made by our nation’s teachers. ...
Graduate Admissions

Colleges Still Accepting Applications

Colleges Still Accepting ApplicationsThe majority of our high school seniors are enjoying their spring semester, eagerly looking forward to a summer without any college admissions work and a fall at the school of their dreams. They put in the work and got the admissions results they hoped for. We are aware, however, that this admissions cycle has been beyond rough for many seniors. We see YOU. We hear YOU. We KNOW and report the astounding admissions statistics. So, for you, we’ve compiled the below information.  COLLEGES STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Here’s a short sampling of colleges and universities that are still accepting applications for their Class of 2025. *Note: The italicized schools have not yet updated their status on accepting additional students but have in years past. We wil...
Former lobbyist details how privatizers are trying to end public education
College Rankings

Former lobbyist details how privatizers are trying to end public education

Former lobbyist details how privatizers are trying to end public educationWhen champions of market-based reform in the United States look at public education, they see two separate activities — government funding education and government running schools. The first is okay with them; the second is not. Reformers want to replace their bête noire — what they call the “monopoly of government-run schools” — with freedom of choice in a competitive market dominated by privately run schools that get government subsidies. Published at Fri, 16 Apr 2021 10:00:56 +0000 Article source:
The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree Program
Online Colleges

The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree Program

The Team Needed to Launch a Low-Cost Online Degree ProgramMy latest obsession is low-cost online degree programs. My fascination with the idea of bending the master’s cost curve is partly professional and partly personal. On a professional level, my work is all about online learning. Most of my online education career has been about quality. Guiding questions for my online work have been: How can we create immersive, intimate, and transformative learning experiences for online students? What does active and student-centered learning look like when translated from physical to the online classroom? How might we apply the integrated team-based model of course design and learner support found in high-quality online programs to residential courses, particularly introductory and foundational cou...
What Can Teachers Learn by Strapping Brain-Monitoring Devices to Students?
College Rankings

What Can Teachers Learn by Strapping Brain-Monitoring Devices to Students?

What Can Teachers Learn by Strapping Brain-Monitoring Devices to Students?It’s a bit of a mystery what goes on inside the brain when students learn. But thanks to relatively new breakthroughs in portable EEG devices, which can measure the brain’s electrical activity in what are known as brainwaves, researchers are able to run experiments in classrooms as never before. Ido Davidesco, an assistant professor of learning sciences at the University of Connecticut, says such research will yield insights that can help teachers do their jobs better. One area he’s exploring involves trying to better understand what teaching practices best hold students’ attention. “This question became even more timely and relevant [during the pandemic] because students and teachers find it really hard to concentra...
The Oxford Royale Summer School Program- All You Need To Know
Graduate Admissions

The Oxford Royale Summer School Program- All You Need To Know

The Oxford Royale Summer School Program- All You Need To KnowSummers! Early mornings, warm afternoons, and a breezy evening that always takes long to completely fall upon us. That’s basically the entire season in a nutshell.  Summers have always been the same. Well, now that we are starting to take notice. ? However, what has changed over the years is our utilization of the season. A while ago, it used to be summer camps, early morning and afternoon cricket matches, long trips to our favorite places. Eventually, a period of 50-60 days was divided into 2 phases. The first phase always had to be intact, because of popular opinion of course; the fun and merrymaking. The second phase was always reserved for learning something new.  Most students were absolute naturals when it came to the fir...
Taking advantage of today’s college admission landscape
Financial Aid

Taking advantage of today’s college admission landscape

Taking advantage of today’s college admission landscapeEarlier this month, I discussed the current college admission landscape with Mark Salisbury, the creator of TuitionFit, a nonprofit that’s been compared to the Kelly Blue Book of college pricing. We shared our thoughts about what happened to college admission landscape last year and also shared our predictions about what will happen to college admissions in 2021. If you are a parent of a student in high school, a college consultant  or a high school counselors, I’d urge you to watch the recording. It could save households tens of thousands of dollars, if not more by being smarter about targeting colleges. We covered a lot of ground in the 81-minute discussion including these realities: The SAT/ACT test-optional move boosted application...