Twisting LeBron James’s words, a fake Saturn photo and other news literacy lessons
Twisting LeBron James’s words, a fake Saturn photo and other news literacy lessonsYES: In the first episode of the HBO show “The Shop” in 2018, James shared that he was initially wary of White people at his predominantly White Catholic high school in Akron, Ohio. YES: In telling this story on “The Shop,” James said [link warning: profanity], “When I first went to the ninth grade … I was so institutionalized, growing up in the hood, it’s like … they don’t want us to succeed … so I’m like, I’m going to this school to play ball, and that’s it. I don’t want nothing to do with White people. I don’t believe that they want anything to do with me.”
Published at Fri, 14 May 2021 11:00:56 +0000
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