Saturday, March 15College Admissions News

Author: Editor

Is the Charter Schools Program financing white-flight academies?
College Planning

Is the Charter Schools Program financing white-flight academies?

Is the Charter Schools Program financing white-flight academies?However, the privilege of segregation came with a cost — $5,000 a year in tuition that parents decided taxpayers should assume. As North Carolina teacher Justin Parmenter explains here, the academy’s parents created a Google site called “Let’s Charter Hobgood” to band together and convert the private academy to a charter school. In what looks like an attempt to allay any fears that the charter might be forced to integrate, the following was posted: “No current law forces any diversity whether it be by age, sex, race, creed.” After three attempts, parents pulled it off, and Hobgood Academy became a charter school. Published at Mon, 07 Jun 2021 17:38:52 +0000 Article source:

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...

A ‘magic’ school bus brings science class to schools in need

A ‘magic’ school bus brings science class to schools in need Get important education news and analysis delivered straight to your inbox Editor’s note: This story led off this week’s Future of Learning newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ inboxes every other Wednesday with trends and top stories about education innovation. Subscribe today!  When science teacher Kathryn Spivey told her students at Benjamin Banneker Middle School in Burtonsville, Maryland that they were going to take off and visit planet Mars for a day on a Magic School Bus of their own, they didn’t know what to expect.   Unlike the one Ms. Frizzle’s science students ride in the animated series, the bus that showed up in their school parking lot this May was black, not yellow. But even though they ...

A ‘magic’ school bus brings science class to schools in need

A ‘magic’ school bus brings science class to schools in need Get important education news and analysis delivered straight to your inbox Editor’s note: This story led off this week’s Future of Learning newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ inboxes every other Wednesday with trends and top stories about education innovation. Subscribe today!  When science teacher Kathryn Spivey told her students at Benjamin Banneker Middle School in Burtonsville, Maryland that they were going to take off and visit planet Mars for a day on a Magic School Bus of their own, they didn’t know what to expect.   Unlike the one Ms. Frizzle’s science students ride in the animated series, the bus that showed up in their school parking lot this May was black, not yellow. But even though they ...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...
Amy Chua Controversy Exposes Divisions at Yale Law
College Rankings

Amy Chua Controversy Exposes Divisions at Yale Law

Amy Chua Controversy Exposes Divisions at Yale LawAt the law school, the episode has exposed bitter divisions in a top-ranked institution struggling to adapt at a moment of roiling social change. Students regularly attack their professors, and one another, for their scholarship, professional choices and perceived political views. In a place awash in rumor and anonymous accusations, almost no one would speak on the record. A feature of this difficult year has been increased demands from student groups. Against this backdrop, Ms. Gerken’s critics in the faculty worry that she acted too hastily in the Chua matter, prioritizing students’ concerns over a professor’s rights. Particularly problematic, several professors said in interviews, was her reliance on the text-message dossier, prepared by...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...
Online Colleges

Open Letter from Stanford Law Faculty Members Regarding the Nicholas Wallace Case, June 4, 2021

Open Letter from Stanford Law Faculty Members Regarding the Nicholas Wallace Case, June 4, 2021Open-Letter-from-Stanford-Law-Faculty-Members-Regarding-the-Nicholas-Wallace-Case-June-4-2021_RedactedPublished at Fri, 04 Jun 2021 20:13:32 +0000 Article source:

PROOF POINTS: Pandemic relief money is flowing to class-size reduction but research evidence for it isn’t strong

PROOF POINTS: Pandemic relief money is flowing to class-size reduction but research evidence for it isn’t strong Get important education news and analysis delivered straight to your inbox A 2018 review of the research evidence for reducing class sizes found only small benefits in reading and no benefits in math, on average. Tennessee’s small-class experiment produced strong academic gains in the 1980s but that success has rarely been replicated. Credit: Camilla Forte for The Hechinger Report Cutting class size appears to be increasingly popular as school districts figure out how to spend their $190 billion in federal money for coronavirus relief, according to media reports. Georgetown University professor Marguerite Roza tracks school spending and she’s also seeing a new 2...
Tom Hanks: Deben saber la verdad sobre la masacre racial de Tulsa
Graduate Admissions

Tom Hanks: Deben saber la verdad sobre la masacre racial de Tulsa

Tom Hanks: Deben saber la verdad sobre la masacre racial de TulsaLo mismo le ha ocurrido a mucha gente: en su mayoría, la historia la escribían personas blancas que se basaban en personas blancas, como yo, mientras que la historia de las personas de color —incluidos los horrendos disturbios de Tulsa— se excluía muy a menudo. Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo, la industria del entretenimiento, que ayuda a determinar qué forma parte de la historia y qué queda en el olvido, hacía lo mismo. Eso incluye proyectos en los que yo participé. Yo sabía sobre el ataque al Fuerte Sumter, la batalla de Little Bighorn y el ataque a Pearl Harbor, pero no supe nada sobre la masacre de Tulsa sino hasta el año pasado, gracias a un artículo de The New York Times. En vez de enterarme de eso, en mis clases d...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...

Switzerland classifies 'unjustified' self-citation as violation of scientific misconduct rules

Switzerland classifies 'unjustified' self-citation as violation of scientific misconduct rulesAcademics could soon be officially sanctioned in Switzerland for “unjustified” self-citation or claiming authorship despite contributing little to a project under a new code of conduct that could set a global trend. Switzerland’s new rules are seen as groundbreaking as they drastically expand the definition of scientific misconduct to include dubious behavior that has attracted increasing scrutiny but up to now has rarely been covered by official rules. “To my knowledge, this is the first time that a code of conduct is expanded by a prestigious academic organization to include several additional dimensions of how scientific work is done, credited, recognized, cited and appropriated,” sai...

Biden’s infrastructure plan would create plenty of jobs, but who will do them?

Biden’s infrastructure plan would create plenty of jobs, but who will do them?With the Covid-19 pandemic threatening the two restaurants he owned in Oklahoma City, Vetiana Phiasiripanyo decided to sell and switch to a vastly different career: wind energy. It would prove a lucrative decision. Before he was finished taking classes at a local trade school, Phiasiripanyo had employers lining up. He landed four offers and a six-figure job after just two months. He now makes more than $100,000 as a project lead for a company that installs wind turbines. It’s an example of the huge demand for talent in industries that include wind power and other alternative energies — and the potential labor shortage facing President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan to upgrade the country’s infrastructure, after a ye...

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...
Technology Made Special Education Parents Better Advocates During the Pandemic
College Planning

Technology Made Special Education Parents Better Advocates During the Pandemic

Technology Made Special Education Parents Better Advocates During the PandemicAs schools let out for summer, there are undoubtedly aspects of the past year that teachers and parents alike are ready to leave behind. But then there are the benefits that some are hoping stick around. Among them: better communication strategies and tools that make it easier for special education parents and teachers to interact. Those are lessons that should stay in place long after our current era of remote learning, says research analyst Lane McKittrick, who focuses on special education and families at the Center on Reinventing Public Education. She recently co-authored a report on how charter schools effectively supported students with disabilities during the pandemic and is blogging about the topic. “If yo...