Saturday, March 15College Admissions News

Author: Editor

CTCL Names New Executive Director – Colleges That Change Lives
College Search

CTCL Names New Executive Director – Colleges That Change Lives

June 14, 2021 Christine Bowman, Chair of the Colleges That Change Lives Board of Directors, announced today that Ms. Ann Marano has accepted the role of Executive Director of Colleges That Change Lives and will begin her role on June 15, 2021. In this role, Marano will report directly to the CTCL Board of Directors and will serve as the face of the consortium as well as a spokesperson for the value of a student-centered college search process. Ms. Marano will also serve in a pivotal role, as CTCL looks to its mission and its vision while preparing to celebrate its 25th anniversary. “I am pleased to share that Ann Marano has accepted the role of Executive Director of CTCL,” Board Chair-elect and chair of the search committee, Crys Latham, said. “We are so impressed by Ann’s enthusiasm...
Moratorium Will Save Borrowers Average of $6,949
Financial Aid

Moratorium Will Save Borrowers Average of $6,949

While the coronavirus pandemic has posed financial challenges for many over the past nearly two years, student loan borrowers have enjoyed some relief in this period. In March 2020, the government paused student loan payments and interest on eligible federal loans. Since then, the student loan moratorium has been extended five times, most recently through May 1, 2022. (UPDATE: The moratorium in early April was extended for a sixth time, through Aug. 31, but this study was based on the May 1 end to the pause.) This long-term, zero-interest forbearance is resulting in major savings for borrowers — $145 billion in total, according to Student Loan Hero researchers. Analysts estimate the typical borrower in active repayment will have kept $6,949 that would have otherw...
Full Guide to Choosing (2022, 2023)
College Planning

Full Guide to Choosing (2022, 2023)

The SAT is offered seven times a year, but which SAT test dates will work best for you and your schedule? What essential factors should you consider before creating an SAT schedule? What are the best SAT dates for juniors? For seniors? In this comprehensive guide, we offer you the most current info on SAT test dates (domestic and international) for 2022-2023. We also give you our top tips for choosing the best SAT test dates for you as well as tons of resources to help you navigate the complicated web of SAT/ACT test dates.   SAT Dates and Deadlines 2022-2023 In general, the College Board administers the SAT on Saturdays, with more tests offered in the fall. If you can't take the test on a Saturday for religious or other reasons, Sunday alternate dates are usually available. Below, we gi...
College Search

Changing Lives. Taking Chances. Always Learning. – Colleges That Change Lives

The Colleges That Change Lives group of schools has worked together since 1998, with admission representatives traveling to recruit students, talking about the life-changing experience of a college education—especially a liberal arts education at a small school—helping students and families keep the college search student-centered. For almost 15 years, CTCL has been recognized as a non-profit organization whose members work together, adapting to the times, to help students and families. For close to 25 years, Colleges That Change Lives has been part of my professional life. How can it be close to 25 years?! And how can this chapter be coming to a close? From representing Clark University on some of CTCL’s first tours and later Eckerd College to serving as Board Chair and then Executiv...
Vermont Student Loans: Debt Statistics
Financial Aid

Vermont Student Loans: Debt Statistics

Vermont borrowers have an average balance of $35,276 in federal and private student loans, 4% below the national average of $36,689. Those going to school in the Green Mountain State can tap into incentives like the Catamount Commitment, which covers tuition and fees — in full — for University of Vermont students receiving federal Pell grants. While both need- and merit-based programs are available, many students lean on federal and private loans to cover the cost of going to college. Here’s a look at Vermont student loans and repayment options. Vermont student loans: Borrowers owe average of $35,276 in federal, private debt College students in Vermont borrow, on average, $35,276 in federal and private loan debt. Compa...
College Search

Making the Most of Summer, PART II – Colleges That Change Lives

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.”― Robert H. Schuller In the first part of CTCL’s series about preparing for the college search and application process this summer, I encouraged readers to identify a core set of values and questions to assess how well colleges match up to those values. In this article, I suggest specific activities you should start right now to get ahead and have a great senior year. 1. Set a regular time for your college work each week.Self-reflection, online research, in-person visits, college essays, and tracking applications: It all take time. Soon you will be starting your senior year, which will be full of fun experiences you won’t want to miss and likely your most rigorous schedule of classes yet. Set aside a weekly co...
College Search

Tips to Build the Best “Story of You” – Colleges That Change Lives

If you’re feeling a little anxious about it, you’re not alone … but the college admission essay is an excellent opportunity for you to show who you are beyond your transcript and test scores. And writing it doesn’t have to be so daunting! There’s bound to be a hurdle or two as you work through “the story of you,” but if you plan properly, you can pull together an outline, work through drafts, and submit an essay you can be truly confident in. Use these tips to get started: Be you: No matter the topic you choose, remember that it’s important for you to be authentic and allow your unique voice to shine through. Be succinct: Take the time to home in on your story in 650 wor...
Tutor Your Way To A College Acceptance (While Doing Good)
College Planning

Tutor Your Way To A College Acceptance (While Doing Good)

getty One needs simply to turn on the news to realize that we are a world divided. But what if, instead of a battlefield, the world was a schoolhouse? This is Khan Academy founder Sal Khan’s vision, and his latest education endeavor seeks to “connect the world through learning.” When a high school student in Oklahoma can offer free tutoring to an adult from Guatemala in calculus, or a professor in India can tutor a middle school student in Alabama in statistics, an enduring bond is formed that pushes aside politics and forgoes fences. The universality and interrelatedness of collaborative learning transcend the myriad of issues that polarize us. It is what Khan describes as an “unambiguous good.” Oh, and an added bonus is that it just might help you get into college. W...
Important Things to Know About Medical School Admissions
Graduate Admissions

Important Things to Know About Medical School Admissions

In a research study done by the "Journal of Medical Education", it was found that when applying to medical school, it is most important to get your letters of recommendation from people who know you and have actually supervised you throughout all or part of your clinical training. The results show that 36.6% of students received an interview offer when those letters were deemed effective, and only 8.7% received interviews with letters seen as ineffective. This shows us how important these three little pieces are in getting into a residency program for medicine after college or graduating from college without a degree in medicine because they can help get you into one of the top schools for medical education (medicine). There is also another way to make stand out to the medical schools,...
An essay writer who's a dean only mentions his faculty title (letter)
Online Colleges

An essay writer who's a dean only mentions his faculty title (letter)

An essay writer who's a dean only mentions his faculty title (letter)To the Editors: I just finished reading "Academic Prioritization and the Faculty's Social Contract" by Brian Peterson, and I felt I needed to write to mention a significant, troubling factual inaccuracy and to respond to Peterson's central premise. First, the factual inaccuracy: it is true that Peterson is "chair of the department of philosophy and religion and professor of economics," as his bio says, but he leaves out that he is also Associate Dean for Curriculum and Faculty Development -- a full-time dean position that does not include teaching, other than a 1-credit college success course for transfer students." In other words, he writes this piece not as a faculty member who "teaches students," as the final para...
Title IX protects transgender students, Biden’s Education Department says
College Planning

Title IX protects transgender students, Biden’s Education Department says

Title IX protects transgender students, Biden’s Education Department says“It could very well be a game-changer,” David Hinojosa, director of the Educational Opportunities Project at the nonprofit Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said in an email. “States accept federal moneys and agree not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, etc., under federal laws including Title IX. If they are discriminating against students on the basis of gender, they could be jeopardizing their funding.” Published at Wed, 16 Jun 2021 20:09:59 +0000 Article source:

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for Minorities

Ultimate Guide to College Grants and Scholarships for MinoritiesScholarships and grants are a valuable tool for students who need funds to pay for college. These programs typically have criteria that consider your background and interests. One major category of gift awards is minority scholarships and grants. Minorities are groups that have historically faced societal disadvantages or challenges due to factors including: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. Students whose backgrounds qualify them for these awards can access financial assistance that they don’t need to pay back. Like all scholarships, minority scholarships will usually have additional merit or need based criteria for selection. Minority scholarships are offered by colleges, private organizations ...
Just Admit It: What is the Transfer Admissions Process Like?
Financial Aid

Just Admit It: What is the Transfer Admissions Process Like?

Just Admit It: What is the Transfer Admissions Process Like?Learn the Ins and Outs of the Transfer Admissions Process With approximately one in three students choosing to transfer colleges at least once during their undergraduate career, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the admissions process. While there are some parallels to first-year admissions, there are also some key differences that transfer applicants must be aware of. If you’re considering transferring colleges, preparing in advance and doing your research can help set you up for success. Keep reading to learn more about our tips for transfer applicants and check out our Just Admit It! podcast episode for even more insights on the topic. Understand Your Why Every student may feel frustrated with their college exper...
College Rankings

FIRE urges transparency in Nikole Hannah-Jones tenure denial at University of North Carolina

FIRE urges transparency in Nikole Hannah-Jones tenure denial at University of North CarolinaFallout continues at my alma mater, the University of North Carolina, where news broke last month that the board of trustees refused to approve the faculty’s recommendation to offer tenure to award-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of The New York Times’ 1619 Project. The controversy has dragged the campus community into a bitter dispute, pitting many faculty and administrators who side with Hannah-Jones against multiple trustees and at least one high-profile donor who have expressed objections to Hannah-Jones’ candidacy.Last week, FIRE sent a letter to the board detailing our understanding of the facts and expressing concern that it appears to have deviated from its normal tenure appo...
First Amendment News 301: The ACLU free speech controversy flares up yet again
Graduate Admissions

First Amendment News 301: The ACLU free speech controversy flares up yet again

First Amendment News 301: The ACLU free speech controversy flares up yet again“At a time when liberals and conservatives are locked in a bitter debate over where the real danger to free speech lies, is it still possible to have an organization that fights for the full spectrum of civil liberties — for all Americans?”— Marin Cogan, The New Republic (July 16, 2018) “We need to consider whether some of our timeworn maxims — the antidote to bad speech is more speech, the marketplace of ideas will result in the best arguments winning out — still ring true in an era when white supremacists have a friend in the White House.” — Susan Herman, former ACLU president (Sept. 21, 2020) “If the Brandeisian view of speech is fatally flawed, what is a better, or at least a more realistic, view?” — Ellis Co...