Saturday, March 15College Admissions News

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MyFedLoan Review: Managing Your Student Loan Repayment
Financial Aid

MyFedLoan Review: Managing Your Student Loan Repayment

MyFedLoan might not be your federal loan servicer anymore — or for much longer. FedLoan Servicing, which operates the MyFedLoan online platform, is due to stop managing federal loan accounts when its contract with the Department of Education expires in December 2022. Whether your federal loans have already been transferred away from MyFedLoan or soon will be, it’s imperative to stay on top of changes to your servicer. It’s the company that can help — or, unfortunately, harm — your chances of successfully navigating repayment. Here’s our MyFedLoan review: everything you need to know about this outgoing servicer, when your account may be transferred and what options you have to manage your debt, both now and in the future. (Note that the situation for student loan...
The Essential Four: How The Cost Of College Is Determined and What You Can Do To Make It Affordable
College Planning

The Essential Four: How The Cost Of College Is Determined and What You Can Do To Make It Affordable

The #1 question I get from the parents that I work with is this: How on earth are we going to pay for college? Here’s what most parents know about the cost of college: It has become way more expensive now compared to back in the day when they were applying to schools. It has become similar to buying a house, really.   However, not a lot of parents fully understand how colleges determine that huge sticker number. Even fewer parents know how to successfully plan for college and strategize correctly to receive the best financial aid package for their specific needs.   So, today let’s break down what families are really paying when we send our kids to college and how to start planning to increase your chances of making college a...
Every AP World History Practice Test Available
College Planning

Every AP World History Practice Test Available

Need some free resources to help you prepare for the AP World History exam? This complete collection of AP World History practice tests offers tons of links to free multiple-choice questions, free-response questions, and even a full-length practice test. Read on to learn how to use these resources and get links to hundreds of AP World History practice questions.   Important Note on the Recent AP World History Revision Since the AP World History exam has undergone extensive revisions in recent years, most notably for the 2019-2020 school year (it's now called World History: Modern and focuses exclusively on a much shorter period of time: 1200 CE to the present), there unfortunately are not many updated practice resources—official or unofficial—available for it. Other than the scope of co...
College Ave Student Loans Review 2021
Financial Aid

College Ave Student Loans Review 2021

College Ave Student Loans refinances and lends education debt to students at every level of higher education, as well as their parents. Founded by two ex-Sallie Mae executives in 2014, College Ave touts itself as an upstart competitor that beats out traditional lenders. Applicants who are refinancing or borrowing for the first time with College Ave can expect a greater degree of flexibility than is offered by your local bank or credit union, plus a prequalification process that won’t waste time. College Ave Student Loans review: Refinancing The online-only College Ave is a sensible choice to consider when shopping around for student loan refinancing. It allows borrowers to prequalify and receive potential intere...
How Long Does It Take to Get SAT Scores Back?
College Planning

How Long Does It Take to Get SAT Scores Back?

Don't you wish you could find out how you scored on the SAT right after you finish taking the test? Or maybe you'd like to forget all about it and pretend it never happened (better luck next time)! Either way, your wait time for your SAT scores will be the same: somewhere between two and six weeks. This article fills you in on all the details of SAT score reporting and offers some advice for what to do once you get your scores.   When Do You Get Your SAT Scores? How long does it take to get SAT scores back? It's a good question, and one that's on everybody's minds after the exam. SAT multiple-choice scores are released 13 days after you take the SAT. (One exception is the June test date, which typically has a score release date about five weeks after the test.) After years of having ...
Is Biden Positively Impacting Student Loan Debt?
Financial Aid

Is Biden Positively Impacting Student Loan Debt?

Consider the coronavirus pandemic — and throw in the passage of time and perceived inaction — and it’s clear that student loan borrowers are losing optimism that relief is on the way. About 4 in 10 Americans with education debt now say they expect the President Joe Biden-led White House to positively impact their loan repayment, according to our latest survey of 1,000-plus borrowers. That’s down from nearly 7 in 10 borrowers who said the same in December 2020 as Biden was preparing to assume the Oval Office. Though borrowers’ confidence in federal support, such as mass student loan forgiveness, is waning, a slight majority of survey respondents admit they’re managing their repayment with the potential for forgiveness in mind. More than a quarter of borrowers stil...
Don’t Be Like Most Parents And Waste Time: How To Start The College Application Process Right Now
College Planning

Don’t Be Like Most Parents And Waste Time: How To Start The College Application Process Right Now

  I have a story for you. Two of my close friends recently sent their kids to college back in the 2018 fall semester. This was the first kid either of them was about to put through college so it was an important milestone for both parent and child.   They dropped off their teenager’s suitcase, helped set up the dorm room and then waved goodbye to their little kid, all grown up now and at the very beginning of their new adult life.   Now, both of my friends are well aware of what I do for a living so they each told me about their experience with the whole college process.   One of my friends, let’s call him John for the sake of privacy, is very happy with where his child is going to school. His kid got into her dream school and...
 Enforcement Unit Reconstituted to Protect Student Aid Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Financial Aid

 Enforcement Unit Reconstituted to Protect Student Aid Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

The Biden administration recently announced the reconstitution of an office designed to safeguard taxpayer-funded student aid dollars and protect students from predatory colleges. The previous administration had “deprioritized” the department tasked with enforcement of student protection regulations within the Office of Federal Student Aid in a move viewed by pro-student advocates as enabling problematic behavior on the part of predatory colleges. The history of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal student aid programs has followed a cyclical pattern, as successive political administrations imposed widely differing regulatory structures that alternately clamp down on or tolerate high-risk behaviors that particularly surface in for-profit higher education. In 1991 and again in 2012, sele...
College Search

A Liberal Education is a Practical Education – Colleges That Change Lives

Table 4 from the latest AAC&U Report, How College Contributes to Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most As I consider the excitement and challenges for high school students this month, I want to share a message primarily for juniors and seniors, since both groups of students are likely highly engaged in the college search – either at its beginning or in its final stages: Wherever you go, whatever you study, I hope you will seek out an education for the whole person that will last a lifetime. In other words, please consider a liberal arts education! A “liberal” education has nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with preparing for more than a specific job. A liberal arts education teaches students to understand and see connections between cause a...
Where to Find the Best DBQ Examples
College Planning

Where to Find the Best DBQ Examples

One of the best ways to prepare for the DBQ (the "document-based question" on the AP European History, AP US History, and AP World History exams) is to look over sample questions and example essays. Doing this will help you to get a sense of what makes a good (and what makes a bad) DBQ response. That said, not all DBQ essay examples are created equal. We'll briefly cover what makes a good DBQ example and then provide a list of example essays by course. Lastly, we'll give you some helpful tips on how to best use sample essays in your own preparation process. What's a Good DBQ Example? Without a doubt, the best sample resources come from the College Board. This is because they are the ones who design and administer the AP exams. This means the following: Any DBQ essay example that th...
Survey: Not Financially Ready to Resume Payments
Financial Aid

Survey: Not Financially Ready to Resume Payments

Rumblings emerged from Washington, D.C., in early March that the White House was considering yet another extension of the pandemic-inspired moratorium on federal student loan repayment. That would be welcome news for a majority of borrowers nationwide. Nearly 3 in 4 federal student loan holders report not being financially ready to resume monthly payments if the freeze on interest and dues expires as scheduled on May 1, according to the latest Student Loan Hero survey of 1,050 borrowers. (APRIL 6 UPDATE: There’s good news for these borrowers as the moratorium has been extended through Aug. 31, 2022.) The survey also indicates that the majority of moratorium-eligible borrowers have used their monthly savings to pay for basic necessities, while borrowers whose loan...
College Search

Ready, Set, Go! How to Begin a College Search – Colleges That Change Lives

For some, the path to their perfect school is easy and straightforward. For others, the process is a bit more convoluted, perhaps even confusing. Whatever path you’re on, I’m here to tell you it will be ok. No one expects students to have all the answers, and there are steps that can help you gain—and maintain—momentum in the journey to find the best college fit. Take a breath and dream a little. There is plenty of time to research, plan, apply, and decide. At the beginning, you don’t need to have a lengthy college list, decide on a major, or know what questions to ask at a college fair. Instead, you want to set the foundation for your college search by thinking about what you hope to get out of college and imagining what that experience might look like. Then make the time to discov...
College Search

Making the Most of Summer, PART I – Colleges That Change Lives

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”― Yogi Berra Ahhh, summer: It’s almost here! What are you looking forward to the most? Free time? An open schedule? Time with friends and family? The college search? You may not have included “college search” on your list, but you should add it now. Hear me out…. Before you know it, your senior year will be here—along with the college and scholarship application season, which can be hectic. By committing a little time to the college search now, you’ll be better prepared for the process, less stressed in the fall, and thankful you have a plan in place that enables you to keep up with it all and not miss out on all the senior year fun. This is the first of a three-part series about preparing for the college search ove...
Financial Aid

A Student’s Guide to Finding the Best College Scholarships

Raising money for college can seem daunting with tuition, textbook fees, and living expenses to consider. Receiving scholarships and grants can make a big difference toward defraying the high cost of college. College financial aid packages typically don’t cover all costs and often include student loans. Applying for scholarships and grants takes time and patience, but has significant long-term benefits. These awards will help you pay for college without the financial burden created by student loans because unlike student loans, scholarships and grants don’t require repayment. Any funds you receive from these programs are considered gift aid. There are a wide range of scholarships and grants, including need-based awards, merit-based awards, and more. Here are a few simple ways to opt...
Reach, target and safety schools: Don’t slip when creating a smart college list
College Planning

Reach, target and safety schools: Don’t slip when creating a smart college list

A critical part of the college search process is creating an excellent list of colleges, which often includes reach, target and safety schools. Families often slip badly on this extremely important yet tricky task of pulling together a solid college list. If a teenager creates a problematic list, parents can easily pay too much money for college. One of the key issues when creating a solid college list is to understand the definition of these terms: High school counselors commonly recommend that students apply to all three types of schools. This, however, can be a more costly move in many cases. First, let’s break down what each is. Reach schools Definition: Reach schools represent colleges and universities where students have a low chance of gaining admission. The most well-known of the ...