Saturday, March 29College Admissions News

Apply today to attend FIRE’s 2021 Faculty Network Conference!

Apply today to attend FIRE’s 2021 Faculty Network Conference!

With conditions improving around the country after more than a year of pandemic precautions, FIRE is excited to resume our in-person programming this year — and with that, we’re delighted to invite applications to attend our Faculty Network Conference! This year’s conference is scheduled to take place from October 14–16 in downtown Chicago, with conference sessions to be held at the University of Chicago’s Gleacher Center.

As in past years, this year’s Faculty Network Conference will bring together a diverse group of faculty from a variety of institutions and academic fields for a weekend of presentations and discussions of core issues affecting academic freedom and faculty rights. (Our call for proposals ended on May 31, and we will be notifying those who submitted proposals of our decision in the next one to two weeks.) 

Beyond these discussions, faculty will benefit from the invaluable experience of meeting and networking with colleagues from around the country, united by a shared interest in defending academic freedom and promoting rigorous intellectual discourse.

As with our past conferences, faculty attendees are eligible to receive a stipend of up to $750 to assist with the costs of travel and lodging.

Faculty are encouraged to apply to attend our conference as early as possible, before our limited number of spaces fill up! Applying early maximizes your chances of being accepted, though FIRE will also try to give extra consideration to faculty who have not attended our conferences before. More information can be found on the conference page, and interested faculty can email with any questions.

We’d love to see you in October, so be sure to apply today!

Faculty: Are you interested in staying connected with FIRE’s work defending academic freedom? Join our Faculty Network to receive our updates! 

Published at Fri, 11 Jun 2021 16:40:38 +0000

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