Sunday, February 23College Admissions News



Over my five-decades of experiences with distance learning, from correspondence to online Internet, I have never seen a better time, or better reasons, to earn a graduate degree online.  Here are my favorite six motivators:

1. You’re never going to be this young again.  So, take the opportunity today to start your online graduate degree program, with a lifetime of enjoyment, successes, and increased status and earnings ahead of you.

2. In my opinion, developed as founder and president emeritus of two (2) successful and accredited online universities, one in California and the other in Arizona, I believe with 100% certainty that a good online education tops a good on-campus education.   

3. The benefits of a good online education include: active self-learning with your own faculty guide for  each course; self-paced, so you progress at your own convenient pace and are not rushed by some arbitrary term end date; and individual professional feedback on your work products, so you can correct and improve your output; and much more.

4. With online education you pay only for the education you receive; you do not pay high tuition and fees to support large and expensive campuses, losing sports teams, wasted unused classroom and impressive buildings, or bloated college administrations.

5. Find a grad school that puts you, the learner, in the center of the educational process; that seeks to satisfy your individual needs; that is concerned with what, and how, you learn; and provides you with the opportunities to learn what is relevant to you.

6. You owe it to yourself to get that grad education and degree that portends success.

To paraphrase the 20th U.S. President James Garfield, the ideal educational experience is you, the learner, sitting at one end of log with an experienced educator sitting at the other end.  Welcome to the Internet Log.

To your success,
Dr. Don Hecht, University Founder, President Emeritus.

Published at Fri, 19 Mar 2021 19:02:03 +0000

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